Saturday, November 17, 2007

Looking back on the summer, there were highs and lows. We had a good percentage of our nestboxes occupied and then lost quite a few yound, especially bluetits in the awful weather.

We then had an outbreak of Trichomonad parasite and lost about a dozen greenfinches. This disease mainly affects greenfinches and chaffinches. Despite regular cleaning of our feeding areas we dont appear to have prevented the disease. We have reported it to the RSPB and understand it is widespread at the moment and is causing a lot of Greenfinch mortalities.
More advise can be found at irds/health/sickbirds/greenfinches.aspThe highlights of the summer were 2 days spent bird ringing with Geoff Sheppard, our local bird ringer and secretary of the West Galloway SOC (Scottish Ornithological Club). Geoff had ringed about 200 barn owl chicks in this area by the end of the summer. Most had fledged from nest boxes made and put up by him with the support from local farmers. He is one of our unsung local wildlife heroes. In celebration of his efforts I have made a short film from the pictures taken when we had the privilege of joining him on 2 trips this year. The film also shows the ringing of 6 kestrel chicks.

The music is written composed and played by my son Mike

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